Continuing the Women's Rights Movement in the US

729 Words2 Pages


Over the last century, women have made incredible progress in their

struggle to claim their equal rights and humanity; however, many issues

presented in the “Declaration of Sentiments” are still prevalent in today’s society.

Even after developing laws and regulations that sanction women’s rights,

something even larger continues to oppress women, keeping them from true


As one reads from the “Declaration of Sentiments” the list of injustices that

women dealt with daily in the nineteenth century seem almost endless. As the

Declaration says, “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and

usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the

establishment of an absolute tyranny over her.” The Seneca Falls Women’s

Rights Convention of 1848 outlined the ways in which women lived politically,

economically, and socially dependent on men.

The political and economic injustices that women faced were extensive.

First, women were not granted the right to vote. Women were expected to obey

laws in which they had no say in developing. Also, women had no representation

in legislation. The male-dominated government profited off single women who

owned land through unfair taxation. Men monopolized employment and

prevented women from becoming involved in fields of law, medicine, or theology.

Socially, women were encouraged to marry; however,...

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