Contaminants in Drinking Water

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"Contaminants in Drinking Water"

Ground water is always under threat and attack because of the escalation of cultivation, urbanization and industrialization. Over one third of Canadians use ground water as drinking water.
Ground water is water that is located and stored under ground's surface. It is used in many different ways; for example, agriculture, drinking and industrial processes.
Water contamination is any changes to water's biological, physical or chemical properties that will make the water harmful, and unfit for drinking or using.
If the contaminated water is drank by humans it will cause damaging and dangerous health effects.

major water contaminants are
Disease causing agents: virus and bacteria
Oxygen-demanding wastes: Fecal matter that causes bacteria to decompose them and leads in the reaction of oxygen levels in the water (due to need of oxygen for decomposition)
Inorganic water soluble compounds: toxic metals, acids, and salts
Suspended residues: Oil
Radioactive water soluble compounds: Urea, Uranium

water contamination is usually the result of human activities; they can be grouped in to two categories;

1. Point source indicates that the pollution is originated from a direct place. For example; factories and power plant, pipes and ditches that all discharge their wastes directly in to lakes or rivers are considered point source.
When factories dump their contaminated waste water in to the lake the water becomes polluted with the substances and chemicals dissolved in that waste water.
Some other point source contamination are ; septic tanks, landfills, uncontrolled hazardous wastes, oil leaks, organic compounds, metallic ions, acids and bases.
2. Non-point source: indicates that the water contamination a...

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...ater quality.
Firstly,the presence of carbon filters in the devices will cause a contamination; after a long period of time these carbon compounds will be released in to the water in higher concentrations , causing the water to become more contaminated than before.
Secondly, the growth of organic matter on the filter will lead to the growth of bacteria, in a short period of time this also will cause pollution of water.
Having filtered and clean water will cause us humans to have a healthier life, without having the risk of cancer, gastrointestinal disease, and other health effects that are caused through water contamination.
By removing dangerous contaminants from water, the toxins and chemicals are eliminated which leads to healthier environment and planet overall.

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