Consumer Treatment Case Study

1268 Words3 Pages

CB in Action Assignment

Marketing 378

Prepare and submit:

1. Descriptions of two examples of chapter concepts being applied in a business or professional setting, or a setting that would be of interest to marketers or policy makers. Be specific and provide citations.

Consumer Treatment. Consumer treatment plays a major role in the success of any corporation. I noticed, most retail employees, don’t understand that the consumers experience is also based on the employee. In essence, the consumer puts the retail experience on the same level as movie actors we don’t like our actors to break character. Recollect on the last time you went to a store or restaurant and an employee was rude, did that single person’s attitude ruined the entire trip. I’ve also talked about this with friends to gain further insight on their consumer treatment. My findings were very conclusive, most consumers are so meticulous that they dislike when employees speak of internal matters. For instance, consumers don’t want to hear about your break in five minutes, likewise they don’t want to hear any co-worker conversations.

Payton, Karla. I Hate Rude Employees!!! 2009. Retrieved July 29, 2010 from

Enbysk, Monte. 15 Customer Service No-Nos. 2010. Retrieved June 29, 2010 from

Consumers Role in Society. Consumers have a huge role in society they essentially decide which products to offer. Consumers are ever changing, their likes and dislikes for products also change. Think about cigarettes, alcohol or food, your consumption b...

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... life, with references for/links to images.

Image #1

Moed, Ed. 2007. Perceptions into positive opportunities. Received July 1, 2010 from

Image #2 Original Artist. Received on July 1, 2010 from

Image #3 Original Artist. Received on July 1, 2010 from

Image #4 Original Artist. Received on July 1, 2010 from

Image #5 Original Artist. Received on July 1, 2010 from

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