Conflicts with the Middle East

559 Words2 Pages

Disorder in the Middle East cannot be stopped with stereotypes, unfair judgment calls, and warfare. Understanding all of the facts and clearly thinking through all of the different perspectives of Middle Easterners, may help to stop being judgmental and understand where they are coming from. The Middle East has already gone through war and violence. Many of them fear it will continue for eternity. Although some Middle Easterners have committed acts of terrorism and are portrayed and perceived as violent, angry, and vengeful people, that does not mean that the whole ethnic group should be persecuted.
Many Middle Easterners are seen as people filled with hate and anger flowing in their veins, but this anger could be coming from the harsh stereotypes that Americans place upon them. Security is an important topic that should be taken seriously, but not to the extent where one single ethnicity feels like they are being prejudiced against. Are the random security screening searches really “random,” or are they specifically targeting minority races? Racial profiling is a major issue in this...

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