Conflict Theory Explains Isis

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Conflict Theory Explains Isis:

The PBS Frontline Documentary ISIS in Afghanistan tells the story of individuals on the other side of the world via the PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION of Najibullah Quraishi. Mr. Quraishi investigates the ROLE INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM plays in the everyday life of the Afghani people. This type of existence is a prime example of the sociological philosophy of the CONFLICT THEORY. The assumption of this theory according to the text is that society is a system of diverse groups with conflicting values and interests, vying with each other for power, wealth and other valued resources. The goal of ISIS is to rule over not only the Middle East but also the world, similar to the American concept of the POWER ELITE MODEL. ISIS’ …show more content…

This negative control over the children is a form of EXPLOITATION. These children are forced to know only anger and hatred. The life of a child growing up in Afghanistan revolves around the awareness of VIOLENCE and WAR as part of their every day reality. The DIFFERENTAIL ASSOCIATION THEORY explains how individuals become criminals by associating with other criminal individuals; this is not unlike the NORM for the children of Afghanistan. Propaganda videos from Syria and Iraq exhibit the killings of individuals whom they consider to be infidels. These videos are shown to young children in order to groom them as future warriors. These propaganda videos also demonstrate ISIS military school training practices. The local village children are shown these videos on a daily basis in turn to indoctrinate them into their potential. Children as young as three are taught Islamic State, which is a militant movement that “follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of Judgment matter to its strategy, and can help the West know its enemy and predict its behavior”, this according to an article by Graeme Wood called “What Isis Really Wants”. This video also clearly demonstrates the GENDER ROLES expected of these young children, as the girls were directed to sit behind the boys in the classroom setting. ISIS and terrorism are taking away the innocence of …show more content…

Their aim is to have networks all over the world and to continue with terrorism in the Middle East and to bring DOMESTIC TERRORISM to the United States by way of kidnapping and brutally executing the infidels who stand in their way. The unfortunate reality is these ideas are brought to you by men who seek to gain power and resources. ISIS cares nothing about the people or the communities in which they conquer, they are pursuing riches and eternal

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