Personal Conflict: Personal Experiences Of Conflict In Relationships

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ABSTACT My paper is about conflict and resolution it can help you with any conflict you may be facing in a relationship or any other personal conflict you may be facing in life. It is based on own my personal experiences and what I did to solve my conflict. It talks about how I solved it the things I used to fix it. A conflict I have faces in my life was that back in 2014 my husband and I were always arguing and we went standing each other. I was four months pregnant we were expecting are first child when I decide to leave him because the arguing that won’t stop. I decided to go back to my parents’ house. My daughter’s father wouldn’t even main on giving us a phone call or even visiting us to see how the pregnancy was going or bother …show more content…

We got back from México and everything was the same. January came by he was still trying to fix things and every single time we were trying to fix things he will always mess up we were looking at apartments already by he will always do somethings that will mess everything. My daughter was going to turn one I was planning her birthday party I was hoping for her father to help out but he never did he also didn’t even showed up to the party. By March we were still talking about trying to fix things between us the little things he had already gained he was losing them or even with something stupid he would say. We had a long conversation trying to see what we were going to do. We had decided to that we were going to stop the divorce and we were going to look for apartment to start all over again as a fresh start. The divorce was stopped a day before the date we had. So far everything has being going good. Even do we are living in separate houses with our …show more content…

Having conflict with someone leads to a lot of stress because you just thinking on known to work things out or to think what smart thing yall are going to tell each other and the conflicts keeps going and it won’t stop. Just like it states in skillyouneed. ” However, well-managed conflict can also be constructive, helping to ‘clear the air’, releasing emotion and stress, and resolving tension, especially if those involved use it as an opportunity to increase understanding and find a way forward together out of the conflict

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