Computer System Design for Camelot Restaurant Bookings System

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Computer System Design for Camelot Restaurant Bookings System


The Camelot restaurant is owned by the Whitbread Company and is

located in Chigwell Row, it serves food to many different people

around the area. The main source of bookings is via the telephone but

also at the booking desk in the restaurant, the booking form requires

the following information:

· Name of the booking, usually the person who books it surname

· Time of the booking, this is the time when the customer wants to sit

down for there meal

· How many guests on the table, this is how many spaces are required

on the table for the guests

· Smoking or Non Smoking, this is whether the group will want to smoke

at the table, this option is only allowed during the weekdays

· A contact number, so that the restaurant can contact the customer if

they are late, etc. This is only required if there are more than 6


· The date of which the booking is taken

The Camelot restaurant has many different staff, who all work on

different days of the week. It can become extremely difficult to find

out how many of the staff are required to work every day of the week.

They have to judge by the amount of booking they see.

The staff records their bookings on a sheet that looks like a table

with the headings, Time, Number of Customers, Smoking or non-smoking

and Telephone. It is normally very untidy and sometimes the bookings

are unclear and can be misread by other members of staff. There are

different sheets for each different day of the week, so an advanced

booking can be taken to up to 16 days in front. When the customers

come in for the booking they are crossed off from the booking sheet

and shown to their seats.

The manager of the Camelot has informed me of the key things that the

new booking system must have, include or follow. Firstly as one of the

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