Computer Lab: How to Gather Data for Analysis

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Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to understand how data analytics can be gathered. It also helps to understand how to use Splunk. Materials: For this lab,the material that was used was Splunk. Procedures&Results: To begin the lab, one must first download Splunk. Make sure that the platform being used for the lab (Windows, OS X, Linux, etc.) has the proper specifications to run Splunk. Once Splunk has been downloaded, go ahead and launch the program. If the user has a free license, then he or she should be able to bypass the authentication requirements for Splunk. Create a new password for the account, and then continue to the Splunk home page. The lab goes into detail about some of the basic features of Splunk, such as the home page, how to navigate the Splunk Web, and how to navigate the Splunk Home. There are other features available such as Splunk Apps, the Settings menu, and the Splunk Bar as well. Once Splunk is up and running, download the sample data file from Once the sample data has been downloaded, add the data...

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