Complexity And Compatibility In The Use Of Technology In Higher Education

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1) Innovation attributes dimension Innovation attributes consist of: compatibility, complexity, observability, relative advantage and trialability. Compatibility is “the degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters” (Rogers, 2003, p. 15). A lack of compatibility in IT with individual needs may negatively affect the individual’s IT use (McKenzie, 2001; Sherry, 1997). Complexity is “the degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use” (Rogers, 2003, p. 15). Excessive complexity of an innovation is a critical barrier to its adoption. Observability is “the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others” …show more content…

Both sources provide a supportive environment or culture that encourages use of technology in higher education. The educational institution ensures that the necessary resources are allocated for promotion, access and use of technology. The teachers ensure more active use of the technology for storage and distribution of learning content, submission of assignments, and interaction. Organisational support such as launch of intensive technology training programmes for novice users is one of the effective ways to increase use of the technology (Cheung & Huang, …show more content…

Individuals avoid using the technology where their self-efficacy is low. If they are confident in using the technology, they will perceive their self-efficacy as high, believe the technology is easy to use and tend to engage actively and persistently with the technology (Chau, 2001; Liaw, 2002). Self-efficacy directly affects perceived ease of use and attitude towards using the technology (Condie & Livingston, 2007). Subjective norm refers to one’s perception of the social pressures exerted on him/her to perform the behaviour. Subjective norm has a significant effect on perceived usefulness (Lee, 2006). It directs positive or negative effect on attitude towards using the technology (Hayes, 2007). This integrated model includes subjective norm as an external factor with the expectation that it will positively affect the attitude towards using the technology. The finding of the research shows that the students tended to follow the teachers’ pattern of WebCT use. 4) User behaviour

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