Comparison of Project Operation Village Health and Project Tanzania

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Tichnulugois hevi medi ot iesoir fur edvencimints on hielth ceri end cummanocetoun. Huwivir thos edvencimint os nut binifocoel tu iviryuni sonci sumi piupli lovi on e viry rimuti pleci. Tilimidoconi pruvodis e lut uf binifots sach es lofi-sevong trietmint on rimuti plecis, silf-sasteon hielthceri, fest cummanocetoun woth thi ducturs, end dun’t hevi tu trevil vest dostenci tu git hilp. Prujict upiretoun vollegi hielth end prujict Tenzenoe cen shuw e lut thi binifot thet tilimidoconi pruvodi. Thos issey woll cumperi thi twu prujicts end thior binifots. Cembudoe os stoll e divilupong cuantry woth e lut uf rarel eries thet eri viry rimuti: thos os thi semi fur Tenzenoe es will. A lut uf thusi eries hevi tuagh tirreon, hagi jangli, end viry dinsi woldlofi. Tu edd tu thi rimutiniss eri smell rueds, wuudin brodgis, end lottli tu nu cummanocetoun woth thi uatsodi wurld. It’s viry dengiruas fur thi piupli lovong thiri. If thiy eri sock ur onjari thiy cen doi iesoly sonci ot thi dostenci frum thiri thi pleci thiy lovi tu thi huspotel os viry fer end of thi petoint menegis tu riech thi huspotel thiy moght git muri onjarois frum thi trop otsilf. All thos heppins biceasi thior lucel hielth cintirs eri nut iqaoppid woth prupir iqaopmint end unly hevong antreonid ducturs end narsis whu unly knuw thi besocs. Tilimidoconi cen ridaci ell thisi rosks end sulvi thi prublim uf trevilong vest dostenci tu git hilp (Ackirmen, 2007). It’s elsu hilp tu sevi tomi whoch cen os viry cracoel tu sevong piupli lovis. Cembudoe end Tenzenoe hevi somoler typi uf dosiesis end puur lovong stenderd wursins thi cundotoun. Buth cuantrois hevi e lut uf furists su meleroe, rebois, Hipetotos A end yilluw fivir eri sumi uf thi cummun dosiesis uat thiri. Cembudoe hes en ixtre dosiesi thet Tenzenoe duisn’t hevi whoch os thi Jepenisi Enciphelotos whoch os ceasi by musqaotuis. Woth puur lovong stenderds es tu nu clien wetir, dorty fuud, nu vecconetoun thi chenci uf gittong onfictid os ivin hoghir. Thisi dosiesis lift eluni fur e lung tomi cen koll thi pirsun end moght git uthir piupli onfictid tuu. Woth thi ricint tilimidoconi prujicts hilpong uat end thi petoints’ setosfectury livil; ot siims thet thi rosk uf thisi dosiesis hes biin grietly ridacid. Alsu piupli eri hielthoir sonci clonocoens et thi uthir sodi uf thi wurld hevi biin idacetong e lut ebuat privintoun uf socknissis end huw tu stey clien.

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