Comparison of Media Propaganda Used During the Two World Wars

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With this essay I will be comparing the way propaganda was used during the World Wars, what was their aim and target audiences and how they affected civilian and military moral and more importantly how art and poster design was used to properly influence and imprint ideas and morals to the viewers. I will also compare how different design techniques were used in each war and how effective or ineffective they were in each case and what their common attributes were and in what way they were different. If someone had to decide on the most lethal wars in human history the conclusion would be easy, the two World Wars which had as a combined number of deaths that exceed the 80 million mark with the second World War being the deadliest of the two due to the development of more advanced weapons of war such as rockets and eventually the atomic bomb giving the human race a bigger arsenal of destruction. Politics was a major factor in the initiation of the wars which is why the governments of the time required a method to influence their citizens to either support a political party such as the Nazi party in Germany in World War Two or to support a military campaign or any other action they desired, to accomplish this they employed the help of a tool called propaganda. Propaganda in most cases is a political tool with which the propagandist attempts to communicate ideas and information to the recipients in order to influence their actions and decisions and further the goals of the original propagandist. Propaganda is designed in a rather sinister way in which it makes the persuadee think it is satisfying their needs but of course benefiting the persuader more and in most cases this happens without the immediate knowledge of the pursuadee ... ... middle of paper ... ... the kind of messages that where required to be communicated to their target audiences, however the overall layout and design of posters evolved in the same way any other art form does over time either that being due to new methods of communication, motion picture for instance, or due to the development of new art movements. Works Cited JOWETT, G.S AND O’DONNELL, V. 2006. Propaganda and Persuasion. 4th edn. London: Sage Publications MARKS, B. 1943. This is the enemy. [Online image]. (23 January 2011) TRUEMAN, C. 2000. Propaganda and World War One. [WWW] (23 January 2011) WILSON, D. 1917. How the Hun Hates. [Online image]. (23 January 2011)

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