Comparison of How Gillian Clarke in ‘Lament’ and Boey Kim Cheng in ‘Report to Wordsworth’ Explore the Impact that Man has had on the Environment.

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Gillian Clarke and Boey Kim Cheng are both internationally recognized poets whom are most famous for their poems regarding environmental problems. Clarke’s ‘Lament’ focuses on the social and environmental problems occurring as a result of the Gulf War, whereas Cheng’s poem ‘Report to Wordsworth’ discusses environmental issues involving sea life.
In ‘Lament’ Clarke uses a clear structure - every sentence begins with ‘for’ which combines with the title to form ‘Lament for […]’ To lament can be an expression of sadness. In this day and age, people express grief and sadness all the time. Often by using the words ‘sorrow’ or ‘grieving’. As these words are used daily, we could say they are stripped from the depth of their meanings . By using ‘lament‘ - a word not used as often as ‘grieving’ or ‘sorrow’- this has a deeper impact as the word has not been stripped of its depth yet. Also, it creates a sense of mystery through the seldom use of it.
Cheng’s title ‘Report to Wordsworth’ relates to the English poet William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth was a poet who wrote about the beauty of nature, whereas Cheng describes all the problems nature faces today. Cheng’s ‘Report to Wordsworth is written as a Petrarchan sonnet, however Wordsworth wrote his poems in Shakespearean form. This relates to the content of the poems written by the two poets; they both have the same subject which is nature, also, they are both written in form of a sonnet. However, although the poets write about the same theme, they discuss different sides of it. Their poems contradict; Wordsworth describes the beauty of nature whereas Cheng describes how nature has been laid waste. By using Wordsworth and extracts from his poems actively throughout ‘Report to Wordsworth’ ...

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... the ashes of language’ which similarly creates an idea of apocalypse and doom. The ‘ashes of language’ could imply the end of civilization which would be caused, again, by mankind. ‘The ashes’ is a metaphor for death. As humans are the only species that use language, the ‘ashes of language‘ would imply the death of language and thus mankind. As in ‘Report to Wordsworth’ the ending leaves a strong impact on the reader through the idea of an apocalypse.
I think both poems explore the environmental problems in depth. I personally enjoyed reading and analyzing ‘Report to Wordsworth’ as well as ‘Lament’ very much, as they have various deeper implications that can be perceived differently by different people. ‘Lament’ and ‘Report to Wordsworth’ both achieve getting the reader to think about the present-day environmental issues and what role they play in that process.

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