The Tundra Biome

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A biome is the collection of the ecosystems that are similar. Ecosystems that are part of one biome are similar in flora, fauna, and climate. Since different species of plants and animals have different adaptation of climate, plants and animals living in each biome are indicating the climate of their biome. There are four biomes in Canada. These biomes that exist in Canada are Tundra, Boreal Forests, Temperate Deciduous Forests, and Grasslands. The Tundra Biome is located in the northern part of Canada. The word “tundra” is come from the Finnish word “tunturia”, that means the barren land. The Tundra Biome is the coldest biome in Canada, so its climate is cold enough to freeze soil that forms permafrost all over the biome. Precipitation in this biome is 6 to 10 inches of rain each year including the molten snow, so its precipitation is as low as desert. Due to cold climate, plants can be found rarely in this biome. There are about 1,700 species of plants are living in there. The most of them are mosses, lichens, and short grasses that are growing on a thin layer that called as “active layer” on the permafrost. Since growing season is about 50 to 60 days long, they should grow and reproduce rapidly. Animal life in this biome is not as diverse as other biomes, but there are many species of animals are living there. The most known species in this …show more content…

Each biome has their unique factors. In Canada, the climate of them is temperate. Their biodiversity is fair, too. Unfortunately, biodiversity of them are being harmed by human actions such as urbanization, mining, global warming, and usage of pesticides and herbicides. We cannot ignore that natural effects that harm the biodiversity, but they can be restored by their own and takes less time than if they were harmed by human actions. Even there are not much things we can do, I think we should take action to save the biodiversity of our

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