Comparison Between Geriatric And Pediatric Patients

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The Administration route will always depend on the age of the patient. A child's mind and body is very different from an adult. The child is more immature, meaning that it can be in danger easily. According to Allied Health book “ Geriatric and pediatric patients specifically are more susceptible to the effects of a medication and will usually require lower doses.” This patient will require lower dose because they are more sensitive, therefore they need to be treated with more delicacy. Some organizations like “” explained that if people don’t know their child current weight they can use their child age to determine the dose when giving acetaminophen. When giving a drug to an elder people the doctors or nurses have to pay close attention to the medicines that the patient is already taken, because that drug can harm the patient and also act against the other medications. When giving a drug to a pregnant woman the doctors or nurses have to pay attention to what the woman can take that won’t hurt the baby or herself. When giving a drug to a child the doctors and nurses have to pay attention to what kind of drugs and what does the kid can take, remembering that a kid is more sensitive than an adult.

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