Comparing The Allegory In The Matrix, Dark City

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Two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato presented the allegory of the cave, several prisoners who have been chained up in a cave for their whole lives. They were facing a wall, unable to turn their head and never been outside. What they can see is those shadows projected on the wall from things passing in front of a fire behind them, the sounds of the people talking echo off the shadowed wall, pensioners falsely believe these sounds come from the shadows and mistake appearance for reality. This allegory have inspired lots of film such as The Matrix, Dark City. Putting the aspect of philosophy aside, peoples found that there are such striking similarities between what happened in the allegory and the features of film. The image projected …show more content…

"VR allows you to truly take someone there," says Patrick Milling Smith, co-founder of, the LA-based production company that created the film in partnership with the United Nations. "You can literally make someone feel like they have been teleported to a destination. When someone looks into your eyes, it results in a connection that is only possible in virtual reality.” Filmed using a purpose-built VR camera, the medium presents new possibilities for filmmakers and storytellers. With the arrival of consumer VR headsets, starting in October with the HTC Vive and continuing in March 2016 with the Oculus Rift, virtual reality cinema is about to explode (see our forthcoming The WIRED World in 2016). The form has also led to a flurry of studios adopting the new form of film-making.
Filmed using a purpose-built VR camera, the medium presents new possibilities for filmmakers and storytellers. Unlike photo essays and documentary films, in VR you are forced to twist and turn your head to take everything in. Quite quickly you forget you're not in Liberia. "The result in this instance of being able to look directly into this girl's eyes is heart-stopping, arresting, profound and results in a human connectivity that I think is only possible in the medium of virtual

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