Comparing Porphyrias Lover and Not To Blame

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Comparing Porphyrias Lover and Not To Blame

These two poems are similar in content as they both look at a dominant

male Character who think they have the right to abuse women. Although

they are similar they do have some differences which might be caused

by the time in which they are written "Porphyrias Lover" was written

in 1836 whereas "Not To Blame" was written much later in the1970's.

This affects the way the poems are developed and the way we as women

respond to the poems.

"Porphyrias Lover" was is written by Robert Browning in 1836.

"Porphyrias Lover" is written in a way where you know the mood of the

poem when you first start to read it.

The atmosphere in the opening scene is scary and eerie. This effect is

built up by the use of pathetic fallacy

"And did its worst to vex the lake"


This builds up mystery and tension as we read more of the poem.This

makes the reader feel uneasy and reflects the mood of the man inside

the cottage so we expect that something bad is going to happen.

This poem is written from the view of a man who loves Porphyria and we

get given the impression that Porphyria is the only good thing in his

life as when she walks in he says

"She shut the cold out and storm


She Kneeled and made the cheerless Grate"

This is saying that all the coldness and angry atmosphere from outside

is being blocked once she comes. Her beauty takes over and warms up

the cottage.

The Title "Porphyrias Lover" does not really tell you very much about

the poem. It tells you that it is about a man who loves Porphyria but

it is not clear whether it is about the man who is telling his story

or another man who Porphyria maybe seeing.

"A sudden thought of one so pale

For love of her, and in all in vien"

This gives the impression that Porphyria does not love him with all

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