Plato Apology, Crito And Meno

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Mid-Length Research Paper As evidenced in four of Plato’s early Socratic dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Meno, Plato believes that although people are capable of having right opinions regarding virtue, which are acquired by divine intervention, people are incapable of having right knowledge of virtue. Although Plato often relates virtue to knowledge or wisdom, unlike knowledge virtue is unteachable as evidenced by its lack of teachers or moral experts capable of forming a proper definition of virtue. Despite this, people still aim to be virtuous and thus must rely on opinions to determine what is or is not virtuous. But because people are unable to distinguish virtue for themselves, the opinions people choose to act on come from a higher, non-human authority. Throughout the early dialogues, Plato draws comparisons between virtue and knowledge. These Socratic dialogues often refer to virtue “as an expertise (science, art, craft)” like any other that requires more than simple knowledge of how to but also an ability to explain or …show more content…

Socrates is extremely particular in his standards for a proper definition and believed that a proper definition of virtue should “provide paradigms or standards for deciding whether actions or persons are virtuous” that work in all possible scenarios. The main problem with Meno’s definitions is that Socrates is not concerned with “the meaning of ‘virtue’ which would apply to the virtue or excellence of men…but, with the nature of human virtue.” One who is capable of giving a good definition of virtue would be considered a moral

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