Comparing Lord Of The Flies And The Mosquito Coast Essay

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Through a comparative study of Lord of the Flies by William Golding and The Mosquito Coast directed by Peter Weir it can be seen that both establish microcosm to epitomize the larger political concerns of the time. They also use the disparity of mankind in the natural world as a means of exposing the truth of human nature.
William Golding creates a microcosm to represent the larger political concerns of society at the time. Throughout the story, certain symbolic elements that are contained within the setting turns the island into a microcosm of society during WW2. The ways in which Jack obtained control were similar to Hitler’s as both leaders promised food to their people. Jack also promised a better life for people who joined his tribe in …show more content…

This is symbolised through the fire that the boys light as the fire represents the boys’ connection to civilisation seeing as the fire gets dimmer their will to get back to civilisation decreases and their true instincts come out the more they are exposed to nature. "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" The repetition of this quote many times demonstrates the primal and evil diction that Golding utilizes through each character's speech. aggressive verbal expression conveys the harshness of their wicked and blood thirsty intent. Additionally, the diction of the boys is immature and unsophisticated which aids in portraying and reinforcing the youthfulness of the characters. The pig's head on a stick is also symbolism for the metaphorical Lord of the Flies, which is ultimately the demon found to be within each of the boy's hearts and minds. This can be interpreted as the inner voice of evil. "You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are what they are?" This certifies that the beast is indeed within Simon as well as all of the boys. In truth, when the Lord of the Flies is talking to Simon, it is really Simon hallucinating as he hears the voices of the boys as a whole in his own

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