Similarities Between Odysseus And Aeneid

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Homer and Virgil were two poets that came from differing societies. Homer, a Greek poet, is most famous for his epic poem The Odyssey. It tells the story of the hero Odysseus’ journey back to back to his homeland of Ithaca after 10 years abroad. He is in a race against time to oust the suitors of his wife Penelope from his court. The Aeneid tells the tale of Aeneas, who is a hero of the Trojan war that is traveling to Italy after the conflict has ended in order to establish a new empire. Aeneas and Odysseus were actually on opposite sides of each other during the Trojan war. Both Aeneas and Odysseus would have been considered heroes to their respective kingdoms, but that is not where their similarities end. There are many facets of the two protagonists that could be considered synonymous. However, there are differences between the two that can be seen as well. The first major similarity that our two heroes share is the aid that they received on their journeys. Both Odysseus and Aeneas received help from the gods. In the case of Odysseus, his main ally was Athena, the god of wisdom. She aided him …show more content…

Aeneas’ protection is the result of his kinship with the god of beauty, Venus. She is his mother, which is why she often sends her fellow gods on missions to help Aeneas. In one section Virgil writes, “O King of Gods and Men! whose awful hand Disperses thunder on the seas and land, Disposing all with absolute command; How could my pious son thy pow 'r incense? Or what, alas! is vanish 'd Troy 's offense? Our hope of Italy not only lost” (Aeneid). In this section, Juno (Aeneas’ enemy) has spoken to Aeolus and convinced him to conjure a storm that will eradicate Aeneas and his crew. His mother, Venus, goes to Neptune to see if he will calm the seas and save Aeneas. He speaks to her and assures her that he will soon conquer Italy, at which point he frees Aeneas and his crew from the storm that plagues

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