Comparing Four Theories Of Plate Tectonics And The Bible

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Today, I will be using this presentation to compare two solid theories of plate tectonics. I will be comparing the theory of plate tectonics with the information contained in the Bible.

Now, to really be able to contrast plate tectonic theories, you need to understand that the earth is made up of layers.
So, before I begin, I will quickly cover what they are:
At the centre of the earth, you have the inner core.
Just out from that, you have the outer core.
Next you have the mantle; the furthest part out is the asthenosphere.
The outermost layer of the earth is called the crust, or lithosphere.
So, all of these different layers form the earth today as we know it.

But, let's go back to plate tectonics. Now, plate tectonics is actually …show more content…

In 1912, when looking at a map, he saw how the different continents when placed together like a jigsaw puzzle, can all join together. Although scorned at the time, many geologists now believe his theory was accurate, and that about 200 million years ago, there was one large supercontinent called Pangaea, which in Greek means all land. They believe that Pangea broke into two land masses about 145 million years ago: Gondwana and …show more content…

So, creation scientists actually believe that there is strong supporting evidence for a divided supercontinent.

That being said, how these plates moved is still being debated. Most geologists believe that they were moved through a process of thermal convection. This is where the plates are dragged horizontally along as the hot magma in the asthenosphere rises up and then flows horizontally along under the plates, creating convection currents. As the liquid rock flows, the friction between it and the tectonic plates above may be enough to move them.

However fast that sounds, the plates can only travel up to 10cm a

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