Difference Between Family Systems And Structural Family Theory

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Comparing Bowen & Minuchin: 
Looking at Family Systems and Structural Family Theories Murray Bowen developed family systems theory. This transgenerational model looks at how a family’s history informs their present functioning. Today it is a prominent model used by today’s family and marriage mental health professionals. Derived from psychoanalytic thinking and sometimes called natural systems theory, it posits that families are living and evolving systems shaped by chronic anxiety transmitted through its generations. Anxiety is aroused when individuals attempt to balance their individual identity with being a part of a family. This balancing act inevitably causes anxiety, triggering biological coping responses instead of healthy cognition and reasoning (Goldenberg & Goldenberg, 2012). Erford …show more content…

(1) Differentiation of self is when the individual can separate their identity from that of their family’s without completely cutting them off. Understanding the need for individualization is a cornerstone for comprehending the rest of Bowen’s processes. If one cannot differentiate them self from the family they are said to be fused. As a result they live with the family’s chronic anxiety. The less one is differentiated the more susceptible they are at being draw into family (2) triangles. These occur when two members draw in another member to stabilize their anxiety and to release emotional tension. Resolving family of origin anxiety happens through establishing differentiation. The less anxiety the less likely one will be caught in a maladaptive (3) nuclear family emotional system, which is the degree of differentiation one has with their parental subsystem. We also understand that individuals are likely to choose a spouse based on congruent levels of differentiation. Here we understand how chronic anxiety is passed through generations, labeled the (4) multigenerational transmission

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