Comparing Adulthood And Childhood

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Childhood and adulthood are two different, but equally important times in our lives. The special moments such as learning how to ride a bike, or pulling out your teeth, and ding dong ditching your neighbor's house, are all memories that come to mind when thinking about childhood. Graduating high school, applying to college, buying your first car or first house all bring back adulthood recaps of your life, and while both of these are very major and unforgettable moments apart of our lives, I’m going to talk about how similar and different these times really are. To begin with, as an adult, I start valuing how “easy” it was to be a child when I have to pay my car insurance, phone bill, gas, and other responsibilities I have to take care of. I remember as a child my mom would give me $20 and I felt rich. Now, …show more content…

Children, on the other hand, have so much free time. Think about it, all they have to do is go to school. When I was a child I would go to school from seven in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon. At three I had swim practice to five and from there I would go home, finish up some homework, and usually nap before dinner. After dinner, I would sometimes watch some TV with my dad and then be in bed at 9 PM precisely. As an adult now, I can't even fit all the things I have to do in one day. I am a full-time college student. I go to class in the morning, I do homework and study, then go to work, and by the time I’m home from working it's already 9 PM whereas a child at that time I would already be in bed ready for my next day. As an adult, we have a lot more things to worry about of and responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Children have free time, no stress, and usually get a full 9-10 hours of sleep. I don’t even remember when was the last time I got a full 7 hours of sleep! However even as children or adults, time is always priceless, so I never let time go by for no

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