Compare From Social Class And Still Separate Still Unequal

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The process of educate always connect with the financial issue and learning consciousness which is the root of why the American’s educational system is separate and unequal. In short essays “idiot nation “and “against school”, by Michael Moore and John Gatto, depicts the failure of the educational system as well as how politicians’ neglect make the system even more vulnerable in order to cripple and influence students’ mind to implant obedient adaptive function. In the short essay“ from social class and the hidden curriculum of work” and “still separate, still unequal”, by Jean Anyon and Jonathan Kozol, represent the differences in the school’s courses between working-class, middle-class, affluent professional and executive elite school, because …show more content…

In Jonathan Kozol’ essay, “Still Separate, Still Unequal” describes most of the black and brown students enroll the urban area’s school and for the write students, even they live near the public school districts, if the school enroll blacks and Hispanics students a lot, they won 't choose to attend that particular school and enroll in more predominantly white schools instead. (203) Kozol also states the differences educational level between the inner city and urban school conditions. Because of the discrimination, different school has different learning environment as well as the instructional resources, much worse, some particular school even get more government funding. It could be seen when Kozol states, “There is a high school in Cleveland that is named for Dr. King in which black students make up 97 percent of the student body, and the graduation rate is only 35 percent. In Philadelphia, 98 percent of children at a high school named for Dr. King are black. At a middle school named for Dr. King in Boston, black and Hispanic children make up 98 percent of the enrollment….” (204) And that’s how we could see that there is still discrimination in our country even though the Civil Rights Movement had already happened long time ago. Therefore, school systems of today still treat students differently according to the color of their skin or their race and the segregation in education between Caucasian and minority students are almost predetermined by the limits set for those minority students. And the primary cause determine this circumstance is still the financial disparity. If there is no difference between public and private school at first place, the wide distance has become between two very separate worlds of education will

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