Compare/Contrast Essay: Differences Between Republicans And Democrats

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There are huge and incredible differences between Republicans and Democrats, but they are also both similar. They differ in many more things than taxation, economic goals, and counter terrorism. Republicans focus more on Constitutional rights and lower taxation, while democrats focus on keeping taxation same, though, they are both political parties that want to end terrorism and expand economy. Republicans focus a lot on Constitutional Rights. Republicans love to argue using the Constitution. They typically focus on the first and second Amendment. Republicans are very conservative and love to follow the Constitution a lot. There are two types of conservatives. One is Paleo-conservatism, which is very religious and strictly follows the Constitution. They are fairly Libertarian cultural-wise, and fairly in between economic wise. The second is Neo-conservatism. Neo-conservatism usually calls for more war than any other political group other than fascists. They are Authoritarian cultural wise, and very Libertarian economic wise. Both groups put the Constitution as the ruler of the United States. The Constitution commonly protects moderates from left wing extremists, such as communists. …show more content…

Republicans believe that you should be able to keep more of what you make, as Democrats believe that it is the job of citizens to pay taxes and give much of what is made to the government. The Tea Party is a big Republican/Libertarian group that fights for lower taxation. Republicans are economically right wing, meaning that there is less government regulation on taxes and spending of citizens. Lowering corporate taxation is a big factor in lowering taxes. Lowering corporate taxes will bring big business back to the United States, but Democrats argue that we won't be making as much money off the taxes, regardless of the fact that there will be more people and business to

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