Compare And Contrast The Great Awakening And The Enlightenment

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Topic Question 2: European nations began to colonize what now is the east coast of Northern America around the late 16th and then in onto the 17th century. Many proud nations decided to send their fleet of people to the New World especially Great Britain. England established to colonies along the coast that were know as New England and Chesapeake. Between these two colonies we have what are known as the middle colonies. This area was originally settled by the Dutch and was formerly named New Amsterdam and then finally by Great Britain. Although these colonies shared many things in common and were all quite close to each other, they also had major differences. Among the three colonies all of them had religion play a role in society. Whether …show more content…

The movements encouraged and led to an increase in free thinking while also questioning ideas of authoritative figures in both the government and church. The Great Awakening was a movement that suggested power to the individual and emotional expression with an understanding that you don’t need a minister to understand god. The Enlightenment was a movement which inspired the power of reasoning and also power of the individual. Both of these ideas generated questions in all forms of authority. This movement also held the strength of natural laws above the normal standard. The enlightenment 's idea of that things that cannot be explains are not miracles or laws of chance, that there was more at play. This idea challenged the church and the leaders of the Church of England. Another cause that came out of these two motions was that of the Great Awakening. More and more Christians denominations were starting to form. These new sects of the Christians church began questioning old puritan beliefs and traditions. The questions and causes that were a direct effects of these two movements really generated a rise in free and enlightened thinking. They ultimately led up to the American

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