Compare And Contrast Optimism And Pessimism

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B. Cade Massey once said, “It 's gotten to the point where people really feel pressure to think and talk in an optimistic way” (Massey). Optimism is generally seen as healthy, while pessimism is generally seen as dangerous. The difference between optimism and pessimism is a difference in perspective and mindset. An optimist has a positive perspective and cheerful mindset, while a pessimist has a negative perspective and a gloomy mindset. There are consequences to both perspectives. But which has better consequences for one’s health? Assuming that it is moderated, pessimism is healthy for a person’s well-being. Pessimism is more realistic than optimism because it prepares people for an unpredictable and possibly negative life. Pessimism is also better for expectations compared to future surprises. Pessimists are either proven right or pleasantly surprised. Pessimism is a healthier mindset to have than optimism. The pessimistic perspective is safer …show more content…

However, with optimism a positive outcome is expected, so the pleasure is not as significant. When an optimist expects a positive outcome that turns out negative, it leads to nothing more than an expected conclusion, not a positive surprise. The outcome for a pessimist is more surprising, causing it to be emotionally cheerful because it is a positive conclusion. When a pessimist expects a negative outcome that turns out positive, it leads to happy relief. Paul also says that, “Pessimism can also permit a feeling of delighted relief when we do manage to get what we want” (Paul). According to Aaron Sackett, a psychologist at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, “Optimists never get the joy of a pleasant surprise" (The Uses and Abuses…). Some situations occur where a good thing happens. For a pessimist, these are happy surprises. However, for an optimist, these situations give less pleasure because they are expected

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