Personal Tragedies Influence on Renowned Authors' Works

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In this group of authors, the writers use their own unique personalities. They added into their writing the parts of their lives that has influenced them the most. Grouping the authors together hardly seems relevant, at least not all of them. Kate Chopin, Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman, Robert Frost, and Edwin Arlington Robinson all experienced death within his or her personal lives. Whether it was his or her parents or his or her spouse, this in some ways, showed in their writings. Chopin and Freeman were both writers of equality. They both envisioned a life where both sexes existed equally; men and women were not more than the other was but rather played on the same field, together as one. Chopin used this in her writing “Désirée’s’s Baby.” She touched on equality within races, not placing each character as an individual by race but rather an individual by a person. She hinted in her writing that there may have been a slight skin difference …show more content…

The analysis of each of their writing differs a little but ultimately, they both discuss death. The context of Robinson’s writing leaves the readers guessing and does not give a clear reasoning but one’s own interpretation. The writing of “Richard Cory” says that the author planted hidden reason within the writing. This hidden aspect leads the reader to assume a psychological issue not seen from the outside, but rather an issue that one feels within himself. Chopin takes the death of one of her characters and makes the reader feel as though the character is free because of death. The shocking horror to assume one is now free from a life of personal misery just to discover that the person you thought was dead is now alive and standing in front of you. Chopin also used death in her writing “Désirée’s Baby.” At the end of this writing, Chopin’s character Désirée walks off into the bayou, with her baby, and never returned, leaving the reader to interpret the character’s

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