Compare And Contrast Individual Rights

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Individual rights refer to the liberties of individual to pursue freedom and happiness, and that right should not be interfered by other individuals or the government. It is related to ideal of the United States Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson said “A wise and frugal Government shall restrain men from injuring one another, and shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvements.” This statement represents US’s ideal. Laws to protect individual right in the United States and South Korea are more different than they are alike.
First of all, there are few similar articles in both of the two constitutions. For example, they have articles that guarantee people’s rights and value. In case of …show more content…

First, they differ from whether it deals with race of not. Both laws declare equality among people, but law in United States focuses more on race. In part of South Korea constitution that covers people’s right and duty declares that “All the people are equal before the law. Anyone should not be discriminated in political, economic, social, cultural field due to sex, religion and social status.” However, in United States law, there is also an article especially for black people’s right to vote. In Amendment 15, it says “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” As above, United States adds race and color in their article, while South Korea …show more content…

It is related to the United States’ history. From early 1600s, people from other countries immigrated to North America .They moved to live a better life. So, the society of United States became more and more diverse. Then, there was an enormous amount of racial and ethnic assimilation among immigration group, except non-white ethnic group.(text book 183pg,17). Especially among them, African American moved to the United States as slaves. They were exploited to work at plantations. Abusing labor force is against to the basic ideal of the United States that pursues freedom and equality. Then civil war broke out due to the ideological distinctions between the southern states and the northern states. The southern states insisted on slavery and northern states argued to abolish slavery. The result was north’s win and President Abraham Lincoln presented the Emancipation Proclamation. ( Even after the emancipation there was segregation toward African Americans. To against the discrimination, Martin Luther King Jr., a black protestant minister led civil rights movements like nonviolent marches and demonstrations with thousands of people. Finally attribute to his effort, civil rights laws that guarantee black people’s right and their freedom were passed. So, these are why the law in the United States has more

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