Compare And Contrast I Have A Dream And Frederick Douglass Speech

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Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech “I Have a Dream” and Frederick Douglass speech are similar and different by how they approach the subject and their tone of voice. The history of King and Douglass show how they became civil leaders of their times. The video on King’s speech show how many people came to listen and how King handle himself during the speech. Keywords: Martin Luther King Jr, Frederick Douglass, “I Have a Dream”, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” What to the Slave is the Fourth of July and I Have a Dream Introduction Many writers and speakers have been influenced by the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a Dream" and Frederick Douglass "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July". These speeches have helped evolve the history so drastically that black American 's now have freedom and to never be segregated like they were in the past. Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass are strong …show more content…

We then get to the area the speech was being held and we see a statue of Abraham Lincoln sitting in a chair with Martin Luther King Jr. standing in front of it. When he began his speech King was monotone in voice and stature. There was no emotion showing through the beginning stages of his speech. He made little to no eye contact with people during the beginning parts of the speech, and he seemed tired, dim but not defeated. The more in depth he got into it the more emotions he started getting out, he spoke with passion when it came to certain parts. This happened mainly on the section s of how slavery was affecting their lives. He could not get out certain words, choking on raw emotion that would come upon him emotionally or when he saw the looks on people’s faces. He almost could not believe, looking out over the vast crowds that the movement was even going to be a thing at all. That his words were meaning

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