Compare And Contrast A Students Rights And Program Under IDEA And Section 504 Case Study

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1. What would be the most important things for you to do if you were accused of misconduct? What would be the most important things for you to do if your colleague was accused of misconduct? If a teacher is accused of misconduct they s/he should take steps legally and professionally to protect themselves. The first step would be to seek union representation. This does not mean that the individual is admitting guilt. It is simply the first step in protecting one’s self and career. Also, legal advice should be sought. Listening and following the advice given by these sources is a crucial step in addressing and resolving the issue at hand. Being open, honest and forth coming with all information surrounding the allegations is a necessity.
All involved must remain professional and objective. The school community must remain cohesive and support and stand together on this. Energy should be spent on providing the students of the school the best education possible (SNHUa, 2014). Week 9

2. Compare and contrast a student’s rights and program under IDEA and Section 504. IDEA and Section 504 differ in many ways. One major way is that Section504 does not apply to students only. It also applies to adult within their employment and other aspects of their lives. IDEA is a law that provides grant money for educational agencies. Below is a brief snapshot that highlights some of the major differences between IDEA and Section 504 (SNHUb, 2014) 8
IDEA Section 504
Covers all school-aged children who fall within one or more specific categories of qualifying conditions (i.e., autism, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairments etc..) Covers individuals who meet the definition of qualified "impaired" person. For example one with, physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity or is regarded as handicapped by
4. What are the most important features of an effective student behavior policy? An effective behavior policy would list what the behavioral expectations are for all students, provide examples of unacceptable behavior and provide clear and precise consequences for rule infractions. Over the years school policies have had to expand to include areas such as bullying and threatening. It is very difficult for administrators to predict and address every situation within one general broad policy. This has resulted in school districts having to broadened their policies to include areas such as; attendance, bus conduct, dress code, electronic devices and weapons (SNHU, 2014c) 7
5. What role does a regular education teacher play in the special education process? Over the last forty years, the role of regular education teacher has changed as special educations students have been mainstreamed and fully included in the regular education classroom. Educators must be prepared and ready to face a variety of students all in one

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