Communication: My Potength And Strengths Of Communication

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As I began to think about how to reflect upon myself as a communicator, I realized how different this paper would have looked just two weeks ago before I began this course. Prior to this course, I viewed communication as a transfer of information, with its primary goal being to get my point across. However, as I have come to more fully understand the concept of communication as a creation of culture, I have also come to more fully understand my strengths and weaknesses as a communicator. Part of this realization, unfortunately, has lead me to my weaknesses far outweigh my strengths. My strengths in communication, though I believe they are few, do stem from my introverted nature. I was raised by a father who modeled the art of listening …show more content…

Just as my introverted nature has lead to strengths developing in my communication, it has also lead to the development of certain weaknesses. Chief among these weaknesses is my limited willingness to communicate even when I know that I should. As I mentioned earlier, I feel that I am a very detailed listener, but my downfall even in that branch of communication is that I share so little in return that many conversations I interact in feel quite one-sided. Furthermore, I am quite frequently guilty of under-communicating, which leads to the destructive side of communication. In times when messages are not clearly shared between two between, it can easily result in situations, intended or not, that are destructive in …show more content…

Since learning more about the true purpose of communication, I have been seeking ways in which I can improve upon my weaknesses in communication, as well as in other areas of the art. One way that I plan to do improve in this way is simply through a positive attitude. As an introvert, I do not feel the need or desire to vocalize many of the thoughts that I have. Since joining this course, however, I have learned the importance of positive self-communication. Often times I feel as though I have a negative view of myself, and stress my weaknesses over my strengths. But one way to grow in communication is to recognize that I do have strengths, and that it is possible for me to grow further in improving my weaknesses. If cannot even acknowledge to myself that I am capable of improvement, how am I supposed to improve? I need to see myself as God sees me before I am able to bring His kingdom to Earth

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