Communication And Cultural Differences

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Communication throughout the ages has changed greatly. In the past, all communication was done face to face or through written letters. Today, technology has evolved the way people can communicate. It is now possible to communicate with a person on the other side of the world. However, this ease of communication presents some challenges, mainly through difficulty in understanding the other person but also due to cultural differences. What one culture deems as acceptable, may not be true for the other. Other differences in culture also presents issues. However, these issues can be lessened or even eliminated through education and travel. There are nearly 7000 distinct languages spoken in the entire world (Anderson, “Linguistic Society of America”). …show more content…

Every country has its own mores, and most differ from one another. In the quote above, it is polite in Russia for a man to peel a banana for a woman when giving one to them only if they have a romantic interest in the woman. In America, it is not expected that the man peel the banana for a woman no matter the relationship or interest. There are other examples of what Americans would consider normal or good, while other cultures would find bad or abnormal. Greetings and handshakes also vary from country to country. In most countries, a firm handshake is proper, but in most Asian countries, a light handshake is polite ("Business Etiquette Around The World"). Salutations vary as well; in most countries, greeting with the surname is polite ("Business Etiquette Around The World"). Greeting cards are also of importance to some countries, most of which are Asian countries ("Business Etiquette Around The World"). The vast variety of cultures and their associated mores creates issues for foreigners who may not be accustomed to that culture. However, through travel and education these barriers and difficulties can be broken

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