Common Sense By Thomas Paine Essay

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In the beginning of the book, Paine discusses two main issues that America, at the time, was currently faced with. He argues that society and government are two completely different things with completely different origins. He says, “Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness…” which says that society is good and brings people together to accomplish a goal but government creates distinction. He says that government is a necessary evil, but in its worst forms, can be torturous. He says that the governments job is to protect life, liberty, and property, and if the government fails to do so, it is a failed government. Paine, in his third paragraph of Common Sense comes up with a theory that if a small group of people were …show more content…

Paine argues the concept that America has grown under British rule and should remain under the British, with the concept that America has grown so much, it does not need the British. He also says that the British government is using America for their economic well-being and that recently, the British has been attacking America. He knocks down every argument that is made by the people who want to remain connected with the British and says that their making excuses because they are cowards who are unwilling to put their lives at risk for freedom. Paine claims that the colonies will not gain much if they remain loyal to Britain and history will repeat itself. So, the problems they faced before with Britain will happen again. Paine ends up proposing the idea of a democratic republic form of government and explains why now is the perfect time to break free from Great Britain. The sizes of the colonies and capabilities gives them the ability to build a navy similar to the British Navy, which in turn, would help America with trade. He promoted the idea that they could expand to the uncharted land in order to pay some of the debt they will

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