The Positive Impact Of Interpersonal Support And Organizational Commitmenttisfaction

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Colakoglu, Culha & Atay (2010) indicated that perceived organizational support have a great positive impact on job satisfaction, normative, affective and constant commitment; job satisfaction have a great positive impact on affective normative and constant commitment accordingly. Additional to this, job satisfaction also play mediating role amongst organizational perceived support and organizational commitment.
Concluding from the Brazil cultural values and theory of social identity, Casper, Harris, Bianco & Wayne (2011) revealed that the association of two directions the conflict between work & family such as the interference of work in the family commitment and vise-versa, and supervisor perceived support with affective and constant organizational …show more content…

Study revealed that there interpersonal trust have positive impact on organizational commitment and co-worker support, however, the organizations support have positive relationship only with co-worker support.
Wang (2014) conducted research study to examine the co-relation between perceived supervisor support and organizational citizenship behavior while considering organizational commitment is mediating variable. Study revealed that the existence of supervisor support enhance organizational citizenship behavior and this possibility greatly exist, via employees job satisfaction and organizational commitments. The association among perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment have greatly exist in the employees for long period of …show more content…

Distributive Justice which is referred as the fairness of outcomes in distributions or allocations (Adams, 1965), Procedural Justice is referred to as the fairness of the procedures or the means used to determine the outcomes (Thibaut & Walker, 1975) and a third type is Interactional Justice which is deemed to be an extension of procedural justice.
Distributive Justice. Distributive justice was the only type of organizational justice till 1975. Based on Adam’s equity theory (1965), distributive justice was referred to as the people’s perceptions of fairness of the outcomes they receive relative to their contributions and also to the outcomes and contributions of others. Outcomes like pay or performance appraisal were noted by the employees and efforts that were made. Distributive justice focuses on outcomes, when unfairness is seen regarding any outcome, it affects the emotions of the employees.
Procedural Justice. It refers to “the perceived fairness of the process or procedures used to determine organizational outcomes” (Folger & Greenberg, 1985). Individuals in organizations want to control what happens to them and also the procedures used to make decisions so that to know their worth in an organization. It relates to the fairness of the procedures used by an organization in allocating and distributing rewards and the voice given to employees in the distribution process (Folger & Cropanzano, 1998; Colquitt,

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