Columbus Day and Christopher Columbus

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“In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue”, starts the beginning of one of history’s biggest fabrications. We teach our children to be honest and truthful, but then lie to them for the first six to eight years of their educational lives about their own history. For in fact, Columbus did not discover America and did not unveil the myth regarding the world being flat. At the moment, I have yet to discover if Christopher Columbus ever discovered anything at all. Knowing the meaning of discovery, the land that Columbus reached from his voyage and the unorthodox events that occurred after Columbus’ adventure; I do not celebrate Columbus Day. I enjoy the day off from work, as do most Americans that observe the day; but Columbus Day should not be an American holiday for many apparent reasons.
First, let us distinguish what constitutes a discovery. To discover is to find something or someone that is unknown. The many discoveries of Einstein and yet, he has no special day on the calendar to date. Well we definitely know that the land that Columbus reached from Spain was ...

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