Color Blindness: The Anatomy Of The Human Eye

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Justin Murray
Color Blindness Throughout the world, people have all sorts of disabilities and deficiencies in their eyes. However, one of the most common deficiencies is known as color blindness. Color blindness is mostly found in men in the world and is genetic. Deficiencies are caused by a problem in the biology of one's eyes. The human eye is one of the most complex muscles in the human body. The reason for this is because it acts as the lens and absorbs light and creates an image using nerves and other parts that allow one to see. Before one can understand what color blindness really is they have to be able to understand the anatomy of the eye. The eye is a muscle that sits in a socket of the skull called the orbit. The orbit is then connected to …show more content…

Color blindness or CVD (color vision deficiency) affects approximately 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 women in the world. There are approximately 2.7 million color blind people in the world, most of which are male. Now color blindness is usually a genetic condition. This means it is normally passed down from your parents. The most common form passed down is red/green and blue color deficiency. There are other ways to attain color blindness. Color blindness can be attained by other conditions including sclerosis, liver diseases and almost all other types of eye diseases. The most common form of color blindness is known as red/green color blindness. This is also known as Deuteranopia. No, this not mean those that suffer from it only mess up red and green. Instead, they mix up all colors that attain any form of red and green. For example, those that try to look at a purple pen can very easily confuse it with blue. This is because they are unable to recognize the red element in purple. If you look at the example above you can see the differences in what a person with deuteranopia sees compared to a person with normal

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