Unveiling College Pressures: A Zinsser's Perspective

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It’s two in the morning, you are on the fourth page of your ten-page research paper but at the same time you remember that you must send an appeal letter to financial aid plus you almost forgot about your exam tomorrow. College life is not easy at all and William Zinsser provides realistic and true examples of how difficult it can be. From the desperate letters of anxiety under the dean’s door to the late night screaming “Does anyone care?” Zinsser furthermore explains while studying for exams in one thing college students also have to ponder about how to pay for school, and the debt they will amass over the course of their studies. Education is supposed to be fun and interesting, an experience to enjoy and remember. William Zinsser in his Article “College Pressures” delivers a raw look through the eyes of the students. As I read the notes that were slipped under the Carlos Hortas’s door I could immediately imagine myself writing it. Zinsser being the Dean of Branford College, on a daily basis talks to students about how to “get through life.” In his article he states that students try to focus on too much at once, looking for “career security, financial security, social security, and presumably a prepaid grave.” With the competitive nature of …show more content…

One way to look at it is when your friends try and convince you to do something wither it is a good or bad thing. But another way to look at peer-pressure is when students look at peers who excel in school and study all the time and have that 4.0 GPA. In “college pressures” Zinsser says that one dean told him about a student named Linda. Linda was under terrible pressure from her roommate Barbara, but not for staying awake all night partying, but “Barbara was much brighter and studied all the time.” So you have to look at the flip side of things. But what’s even crazier is that Barbara had come in two hours earlier to say the same think about

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