Collectivism Vs Individualism Essay

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Polar Bears and Penguins: Collectivism vs. Individualism “Altruism — the sacrifice of self to others. This tied man irrevocably to other men and left him nothing but a choice of pain: his own pain borne for the sake of others or pain inflicted upon others for the sake of self.” This dramatic definition of altruism, from The Soul of an Individualist by Ayn Rand, provides a backdrop for similar ideologies. Along the same philosophical vein, one can examine the principles of collectivism, a way of life that puts priority on a group instead of a single member. Individualism, on the other hand, is the complete rejection of these two ideas and a way of thinking that stresses living on one’s own terms instead of being dictated to by a group. As shown …show more content…

His discovery of the word, “I”, helps him to understand that he is one individual and does not have to be controlled by anyone else. The Virtue of Selfishness, from Ayn Rand, truly describes this first step Equality takes towards autonomy by saying, “The first step is to assert man’s right to a moral existence — that is: to recognize his need of a moral code to guide the course and the fulfillment of his own life. . . .” In the context of Anthem, one can take this quote to mean that man, more specifically, Equality, deserves to have full control over himself and his actions. Equality realizes this during what could be considered the most climactic point in the novel: “Many words have been granted me, and some are wise, and some are false, but only three are holy: ‘I will it!’” At this moment, Equality takes responsibility for himself and therefore rejects the morals of the society he was raised in. He embraces an individualistic point of view where he and only he is responsible for the path his life takes. The United States of America shares a similar view by encouraging young people to take control of their own lives and shape their own

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