Cold War Communism

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Thanks to Bolshevik Revolution in Russia during the First World War, followed by the Russian Civil War, had stablished the Union of Soviet Socialist. This caused the communism in now know Soviet Union because of this, it led to many differences between the U.S. and USSR. The Soviet Union and the United States were Allies because of World War II, but after that they quickly became bitter enemies. They were allies only because both wanted to defeat Germany. After that, they went on to become bitter enemies because of big differences they had; the Soviet Union was a communist and America hated communism. This led to the Cold War which included the Vietnam war and the Korean war.
In September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland provoking the start …show more content…

It was known as the Cold War. Since they had technical and political differences, development of nuclear weapons, a lot of tension, and it never rose up to actual military action, it was never an actual war hence the name Cold War. The United States was a democracy country with capitalism. The Soviet Union was a communist country, something the United States hated it and did not want it to spread. The United States took half of Germany and Berlin and made it into democracy and the Soviet Union took the other half of Germany and Berlin and made it into communist. Both countries already had Germany from the previous war, and split the line in between the two. It made it difficult for the half of Berlin that was democracy to get supplies so they suffered 11-month blockade from the rest of the country, the only sources of supplies being the Berlin airlift. Since the Soviet Union made half Germany into communism, they expanded further by taking North Korea and Vietnam. This meant that a lot of Asia was turning communism (China also turned into a communist country). The United States did not like how it was spreading. So thanks to the containment policy, a policy that gives the US permission to intervene militarily to stop communism from spreading, the United States went into war against North Korea and Vietnam. The United States also defended South Korea, especially since they were still a democracy country in an area full of communism. America had lost the conflict in North Korea. However, they had won the war in Vietnam even though it was not officially declared that a war was going to happen against

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