Cognitive Mapping Essay

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Cognitive mapping are imaging of the attributes of our environment, according to Edward Tolman, (1948). Tolman, suggested that cognitive mapping are also a mental picture or image of a person’s physical environment. For example, my best friend moved away to Texas ten years ago. Nonetheless, we were college roommates back some twenty years ago. When, I decided to celebrate my 50th birthday five years ago, she decided to come back and celebrate my birthday with me. When, she got off the train, I gave her precise directions because of my cognitive mapping which were the images of the important streets that she should follow to be able to come directly to my house without getting lost. My cognitive mapping skills allowed me to create a mental …show more content…

For example, a study was done by, Cunningham, (2007), he believed that brain implicit attitudes operates through our unconscious emotion and that because the presentation of subliminal black faces activated our amygdala rather than white faces. The amygdala is known for its negative, and fearful sensitive, now it is also known for positive information after suffering from brain injury. Cunningham, (2007), have demonstrated that the amygdala depending on the perceiver might respond differently with processing affective intensity as opposed to various valence which cause the brain injury person to respond differently. Brain lesions have been linked by researchers and also brain lesions are related to cognitive deficits. The imagery of brain lesions were study in patients. The patient underwent surgery that served their right hemisphere from their left hemisphere. According to, (Sternberg, 2009), the right hemisphere appeared to represent visuospatial knowledge, whereas, the left hemisphere geared move toward symbol based knowledge. Moreover, the right hemisphere also represent being connected to the analogous to our physical environment as well. Nonetheless, the left hemisphere associates imaginal components along with symbols and to collect entirely new information entirely after undergoing brain …show more content…

Memory refers to storage, for example, our thoughts, knowledge, past experience, retention and recalled information is part of our cognitive mapping. It depends on a person state of mind that’s specific information varies to the content of the information itself. Needless to say, information that is considered interesting, or exciting seems to be better remembered than information that is boring or uninterested. Usually, if information has failed adequately store than the memory can normally result as failure as well. Which means if the storage of information fails to retain (forgetting) or if failure to retrieve the person’s memory fails altogether. The neurons produce activity in other neurons which overtime will be strengthened, that is known to be located inside a person’s long-term potentiation. (Meyers,

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