Cognitive And Physical Development

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Development of human being is an individual, dynamic and complex process. It contains physical, cognitive and social development. This article focuses on the detailed knowledge and explanation about the young children's physical development. There are some examples which present the relationship between the theories and development. Movement is nature needs even nobody teaches. As we know, our muscles and structures are developing during the pregnancy period. The obvious basically physical changes are the height and weight. In the first to forth months, the length of the body usually is 20-27 inches and weight is 8-16 pounds. The infant average gains 1.5 inches and 1 pound per month since birth. It shows the rapid growth in order to our needs …show more content…

According to psychologist Jean Piaget, he developed an approach to cognitive development which has a series of four stage: sensory motor (0-2 years old), preoperational (2-7 years old) , concrete (7-11 years old) and formal operational stage (11+ years old) (lee, cognitive development, 2016). In the sensory motor stage, the infant knows and learn the world through five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. (Charlesworth, R. 2014, p.133)The Major categories of physical development include Gross Motor and Fine Motor. “Gross Motor” is the muscles which control the wide range of position and movement such as our legs and arms. “Fine motor” refers the small control muscles such as using hands and fingers to collect small objects, hold and pass the objects to response the environments. It also includes the eye's muscles for developing hand-eye cooperative. These are the basically function for motor development. Actually, the infants begin to develop the upper muscle for body control since 3 weeks. (Dowdney, L. 2011, p.182) . They always extend their arms movement in order to reach objects in this period. Their muscles and skills of head and neck are improved day by …show more content…

Parents prepared the environment and materials for him. At the beginning, the parents ask him "doctor, can we come to the clinic?" the boy looks at himself and says" No..It's not ready. Please wait!" Then the boy moves and prepares the facilities, dress up by himself and wears the stethoscope...and he asks “I can't open the medical bag.” His parents sampling for him “You need to use your thumbs and fingers to open it.” They allow him to try and scaffold him. He can do it by himslef after few tries. In this case, the boy likes playing petend in peroperational stage which Piaget metioned . Parents allow him to try even making mistakes in process. He uses the gross motor skills to move the objects, to dress up ; uses fine motor skills to open the bag, wears the stethoscope and write down the records...When the boy can not open the bag, parents understand his ZPD. So they encourage the boy to observe and scaffolding. In fact, this playing also connects and develops his cognitive and social skills when he try to slove the

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