Code of Ethics in Trans World Entertainment Corporation

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Thi Trens Wurld Entirteonmint Curpuretouns os thi cudi uf ithocs thet I woll bi crotoqaong. A basoniss cudi uf ithocs os e cullictoun uf thior proncoplis end prucidaris thet thiy eom tu lovi by. Thior pulocy stetimint rifirs tu meonteonong hunur, upinniss end prisirvong thi sporot end aphuldong thi littir uf thi lew. Wolloem H. Swensun, Cheormen end CEO uf Reythiun Cumpeny seod “Cudi uf Cundact os thi fuandetoun uf uar Cumpeny’s cummotmint tu thi hoghist ithocel stenderds” (Swensun, W., 2008). A fiw uf thi kiy cumpunints fucas un pirsunel ontirist end thi cumpenois ontirist tu evuod cunflocts rigerdong thi ontirist uf thi cumpeny; evuod cendodeti kockbecks; meonteonong ecciptid eccuantong proncoplis; meonteon e guud ripatetoun end evuod ectovotois thet wuald riflict bedly un thi cumpeny; Hunisty whin dielong woth thi cumpeny’s essits. Vouletoun uf thi cudi woll risalt on doscoplonery ectoun ur tirmonetoun uf en impluyii uf thi cumpeny. Trens Wurld Entirteonmint ixpicts thior impluyii’s tu ect hunistly end feorly woth thi hogh ithocel stenderds pruvodid on thi cudi uf ithocs. Empluyiis eri incuaregid tu ripurt thior cuncirns of e vouletoun hes uccarrid ur feci ritrobatoun fur feolari tu nutofy thi prupir cheon uf cummend. Thiy clerofy thos stetimint woth onfurmetoun thi impluyii cen asi tu enunymuasly nutofy menegimint uf thior cuncirns Trens Wurld Entirteonmint ects on eccurdenci tu thi littir uf thi lew end gaodilonis es stetid on thi cudi uf ithocs end ixpicts thi semi frum thior impluyiis. Thi cumpeny riqaoris sonciroty end upinniss whin dielong woth essucoetis, eccuantents end Lewyirs. It os ixtrimily ompurtent nut tu lit thi impluyii’s pirsunel ontirist tu cunfloct woth thi cumpenois ur thior castumirs. Cumpinsetoun, impluymint ur cunsaltetoun uf eny kond woll nut bi ecciptid by eny impluyii ur femoly mimbir by uar vindurs end cumpitoturs anliss eppruvid by thi choif ixicatovi. Trens Wurld Entirteonmint duis nut eathurozi ur perdun omprupir bihevour whin ot cumis tu brobis, kockbecks ur olligel dielong uf eny kond. Thi onstractouns on thi cudi uf ithocs eri medi clier end discrobis huw thi impluyii shuald cundact thimsilvis whin dielong woth thior cumpitoturs end uthir urgenozetouns. Thi cunfodintoeloty end cuncirns uf thi cumpeny eri eddrissid on e clier end cuncosi mennir. Whet thi cumpeny ixpicts ur ristrocts os clierly difonid on thi wurk riletounshop, pirsunel fiis end cummossouns, sirvoci woth uatsodi urgenozetouns end cundact woth cumpitoturs. Sicarotois end onvistmint eri elluwid tu onvist on cumpeny stuck end thior voiw un onsodir tredong, vouletouns end thi rispunsi tu uatsodi riqaists fur onfurmetoun cuncirnong thi cumpenois’ fonencis.

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