The Problem Of Climate Change Essay

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Climate Change: Man’s Problem The change in climate has been a topic of controversy across the world throughout the past years. Scientists have done research on how climate changes has changed throughout the years around the world. In the past few years, research shows that climate has changed dramatically in the world. Although climate change is something that occurs normally in nature, there has been substantial evidence that mankind is a contributor to the dramatic increase. Most countries around the world have got together to discuss how to reduce mankind’s contribution to climate change, but there is other countries that still do not consider this as a problem. Research conducted by scientists have supported the idea that climate …show more content…

It was not until 1950, that the carbon dioxide level exceeded the average and almost doubled according to NASA. In the article written by NASA, it was stated that there is different amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere that started to appear in the mid-nineteen century. These gases are produced by the greenhouse effect and other different mankind activities like the burning of fossil fuels, clearing of land for agriculture, and industry. Humans contributed in the change of the natural effects of the greenhouse. The burning of fossil fuels like coil, oil, and other fuels is the number one way that mankind has changed the greenhouse effect. The number one chemical that fossil fuels contain is carbon. When carbon is released to the atmosphere, it mixes with oxygen to create a harmful chemical, known as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the most harmful chemical to the atmosphere because this chemical traps heat in the atmosphere which cause temperatures to increase(Climate Change …show more content…

Nature is unpredictable and can change at any moment. Nature plays its own role in climate change. The earth’s temperature is dependent on the balance of the energy entering and leaving the planet, which is also known as solar radiation. Islands and dry areas are more susceptible to an increase in temperatures due to the amount of energy that can be generated and released back to the atmosphere. As the ozone is breaking down, the amount of solar radiation being generated and released to the atmosphere is greater than before, which causes temperatures to increase. In an article written by Bryan Nelson, it states that the Northern Hemisphere usually gets warmer than the Southern Hemisphere due to the larger amount of land mass found in the Northern Hemisphere (Nelson). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the past year, the change in the planet’s orbit has led to an increase in temperatures. During earth’s orbit, the earth goes around the sun, there is moments when earth moves closer and farther to the sun than usual, which cause temperatures to increase or decrease. Volcanic eruptions and the movement of crustal plates are also two events that naturally affects the climate. Although these two events cause an effect on the climate, the effect is only short term (Environmental Protection

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