Client Assessment In Social Work

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One of the main distinctions of the Social Work profession as opposed to any other helping profession is that Social Workers evaluate how external factors may impact their client on an individual, group and systematical basis. Client assessments are not solely limited to one variable, due to the fact that there could be a multitude of influences that can play a vital role in one’s life. Often times those effects interrelate with one another. There are three levels of practice that are used to identify the different stages of practice; Micro, Mezzo, and Macro. Kirst-Ashman, & Hull (2015) identifies Micro consists of serving individuals, couples, and families. Mezzo intervention directly affects the family, peer groups at school or work, and neighbors. Macro involves working with citizen groups, or with private, public and or governmental organizations. In order to be an effective Social Worker you must observe the multitude of issues pertaining to your client in order to help them adeptly. If you fail to acknowledge other potential aspects that can affect your client it could be extremely detrimental with the progression of the case. Some problems are intertwined with all three levels of Social Work Practice. When dealing with a client they may approach you with a situation that they …show more content…

Dorfman (1988) states that a few of their issues are unemployment, illness, and the worrisome behavior of the children. This case study is a prime example of how problems can interlock in the different areas of practice concentration. Although, correlation does not equal causation it can help alleviate prevailing and probable matters of clients. To reiterate the significance on why Social Workers should be conscious of each level of practice can impact a client I will assess the character

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