Cleopatra´s Influence on Female Leaders

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When a person hears the name, Cleopatra, the first thing that comes to mind is a temptress or a seductress. What people often disregard was her influence on Egypt. Cleopatra was well-educated, and because of this, she was very knowledgeable. She was known to be nationalistic and ambitious. Every action she did, was well thought out and for the benefit of Egypt. She was also goal-oriented and confident. She made sure that her plans for her country would be pursued. Lastly, she was recognized for her intellectual and calculating skills. She was also known to be the last pharaoh of Egypt. People considered her as the reincarnation of the goddess Isis and because of this, she gained power and was remarkably worshipped (Brown 57).
In our society today, female leaders are stereotyped as weak and unworthy to rule. They say that female leaders have no skills and confidence. Female leaders are usually judged and underestimated. Because of this, they are often given little opportunities to show what they are capable of doing. They end up being excluded from male-oriented networks and earn a lower salary than males (“Why are there so few women in leadership?” n.p.).
The strategies Cleopatra used during her rule were very well thought out, and because of this, female leaders who read and understand her story, the hardships she experienced and faced during her rule, will become much more of an encouragement for female leaders everywhere. Those female leaders will be inspired to continue their rule with good leadership and even promote a sustainable development for the future. That is why female leaders should apply Cleopatra’s strategies to become effective leaders.

Cleopatra became the queen of Egypt after the death of her father, Ptolemy...

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...adership because she shows how to surpass all challenges that a leader will experience in his or her life.

Works Cited

Brandford, Ernle. CLEOPATRA. London, England: the Penguin Group, 2000.
Brown, Chip. “Cleopatra?” NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC July 2011: 45-63.
Christensen, Wendy. GREAT EMPIRES OF THE PAST EMPIRE OF ANCIENT EGYPT. New York: Facts on file, Inc.,2005.

“The End of Cleopatra’s Kingdom.” CLEOPATRA VII. Web. October 26, 2013.

Fletcher, Joann, Dr. CLEOPATRA THE GREAT WOMAN BEHIND THE LEGEND. New York: Harper Perrenial, 2012.

Milani - Santarpia, Giovanni. “Queen Cleopatra of Egypt.” Antiquities of Rome. Giovanni
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THE TRUTH ABOUT HISTORY. London: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, 2003.
“Why are there so few women in leadership?” PWC. PricewaterhouseCoopers. Web. October 26, 2013.

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