Classical And Keynesian Views Of Decessionary Gap

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1. Suppose the economy experiences a recessionary gap. How does the new classical approach to macroeconomic policy (to eliminate the gap) differ from the Keynesian approach? Compare and contrast the classical and Keynesian views of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Classical economics were developed in 1817 by David Ricardo. His ideas regarding economics, were long termed. His thoughts were such that the economy would self-level and were more focused on the supply side of the economy. For example, you are the producer of a certain product and you need more money. As a result, you would simply produce more product. This concept lasted for slightly more than 100 years. Then a man named John Keynes came up with Keynesian economics. He believed there was more going on within the economy. His ideas were geared more towards the short term as well as the demand side of the economy rather than the supply side. He believed that by controlling the demand curve one would be able to stabilize the economy. For example, you are the producer of a certain product, can’t sell it all,...

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