Citizen Journalism Essay

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News – the report of events and information that impact lives is a form of media that has continued to strive throughout the ages. The spread of news needs medium which was provided earlier through newspapers, radios, television and now it is through the internet. Digital era has opened the doors for information to be readily available throughout the world ranging from political situations, review on movies or worldwide events, all possible through the use of the internet. With the emergence of the internet, the landscape of journalism has changed from traditional to modern, spurring the rise in viewer demographics, expanding the platform for news coverage and creating opportunities for more journalists to join the field.
With the arrival of the internet, the landscape of news changed and set about a new wave of mass media communications. In the days of the newspaper, information had to be condensed to fit to the allocated number of pages that a newspaper holds. This restriction not only impacted local news but also global news. All this changed as the internet was able to provide ready access to news from anywhere around the world.
Although the goal of citizen journalism is to contribute, the lack of trust from mainstream media companies have slowed down the acceptance of such mediums. On the other hand, the advances in technology and cultural diversity has improved the relationship between mainstream and citizen journalism. This is powerful in the 21st century due to “the speed, low cost and global bandwidth, with which topics can be brought to the national and international news agendas” . The advantages to citizen journalism are numerous and very beneficial to society as a whole. Mainstream media are no longer the gatekeeper of news as now the public also play an important role in

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