Christmas Tree Research Papers

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Not all cats are Christmas tree climbers. On the other hand, some think of the Christmas tree as their personal playground. There are many ideas for keeping the cat out of the Christmas tree and not all of them will work with every cat or fit every lifestyle, but there is sure to be one that will discourage the cat and make you happy. When keeping the cat out of the Christmas tree, make sure what you use will not harm the cat. Many people use there own combinations of smells for keeping the cat out of the Christmas tree and some of the products are fine for people, but toxic to cats. Be on the safe side and ask your vet what you plant to use for keeping the cat out of the Christmas tree if safe. You could end up with a very expensive vet bill, …show more content…

The most important factor in finding a Christmas tree to replant is to find a tree that will transplant well after the holiday Of course, the success of replanting a Christmas tree truly lies in the hands of the nursery where you receive the evergreen tree, as it is essential that they take extreme care of the roots by immediately placing them in burlap once the Christmas tree is removed from the ground. A good nursery will also point you in the direction of a healthy Christmas tree and will point out which evergreens do best in replant situations. Most nurseries will suggest a pine, spruce or fir, all hardy varieties of the evergreen. Keep in mind that when you are purchasing a replant Christmas tree, it will be more expensive than a tree that you will purchase just for the holiday season. While trees can cost anywhere from $30-$100 to purchase already chopped, a tree with roots intact may cost between $50-$200. Although you might want to save money, it really is better to spend a little extra money and get a healthy, sturdy tree with long branches and a large root ball so that you will have transplant success. Another important piece of advice regarding the replanting of your Christmas tree is to give the tree a 3-4 day transitional period in between the outdoors

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