Compare And Contrast Islam And Life After Death

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Over the years others have mistaken these closely related religions to be the same… not anymore. Christianity and the Islam religion have differences including the name of their religious founder, their beliefs concerning the way of life, and life after death. Even the most closely related religions are different.
Jesus is Lord
The controversy isn’t between the belief that the God is the way, the truth and the life, it’s whether or not the trinity; that God is the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three in one. The Muslims believe that Muhammad is the “Seal of Prophets”, the last prophet. A prophet is a messenger sent by God to proclaim and preach the gospel. In the Qur’an they believe that Maryam bore Jesus as a virgin by God’s consent. But what they believe is that Jesus isn’t the true Messiah, the Son of …show more content…

There is life after death either paradise of hell. The truth is that Muslims think believe that by their works, which in this illustration is their belief, they are saved, by their belief they are saved. By their religion, and what their religion says that if you believe you’ll be saved. But we Christians say believing alone won’t save you but by Jesus Christ who died for you, you will be saved. To believe is easy. But to act on that belief and let Jesus into your heart and surrender your life to Jesus that takes courage that takes heart. When you bring your heart to the alter you will be save. Believing in Jesus, who is the truth, is true life. Believing in a lie is true death. Religion will cause you to believe. Jesus will cause you to believe and have faith and

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