Orthodoxy And Orthopraxy Essay

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Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, and Research
Today, Christianity faces a wide range of obstacles, from differing forms of worship, to radical shifts in theological understanding. In this confusion, contemporary followers of Christ might find themselves confused as to how they should live out their faith. Questions regarding the authority of the Bible, or how a person can have a relationship with God, can cause believers to question many of the truths they have been taught throughout their lives. This confusion gives rise to a fresh look at biblical exegesis and its relationship to orthodoxy, and orthopraxy. With the rise of contemporary thinking within the church, researchers can look at this dynamic, with the hopes of producing useful results to answer these questions. In order for researchers to assure accuracy in interpreting their results, they must consider the relationship of orthodoxy and orthopraxy with biblical exegesis, contemplate diminishing their personal biases concerning orthodoxy and orthopraxy when presenting their data, and determine how …show more content…

The application of biblical exegesis functions as a moderator between these three concepts, defining the principles that define the parameters of a faithful Christian life. One way of understanding the connection between orthodoxy and orthopraxy is to frame it within the concept of practical theology (Gräb, 2012). This concept of practical theology is not limited to pastoral duties, or ministry methods, but rather “lived Christianity” in today’s society (Gräb, 2012). Encountering God on a personal level will bring about a fundamental worldview change, affecting all areas of an individual’s life, and the exegetical methodology a researcher uses in approaching the Bible may determine the results that researcher

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